maanantai 2. maaliskuuta 2009

This is my rendition of a postcard photo I found rather soon after starting OO at a Stockholm museum. One of my friends commented that "she doesn't look healthy". It makes me think people are hung up on the idea of fat and fatness as something unhealthy, and that weight is considered a central defining characteristic of a person, and especially of a body.  What I would like is to note that maybe she has a few extra pounds, but what else is there about her? Is she a mother? Is she going to be a mother soon? How is her life like?... Maybe we usually don't really need to think about who people in images, where only the body is shown, are like. When we see a thin model we are supposed to think that "I want to look like that", the corollary being here "I don't want to look like that". Great image. 

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